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Ilse Monette - Headshot
Ilse Monette - Hello

As a young, bilingual, and Latina entrepreneur I have a calling and passion for helping businesses and brands bring their vision to life through creative, innovative, relatable and eye-catching content. 


This passion turned into a full time job allowing me, at under 30, to self start & fund a 6 figure marketing business, Connect Media Firm. When I am not shooting photos or videos for entrepreneurs, hosting social media workshops or consulting brands on their presence online I indulge in tapping into my on camera personality and media production roots to create my own content.


My drive and creativity as a digital creator goes beyond my clients and pours into my online lifestyle platform and brand, Ilse Monette. As a travel, fashion, design and beauty enthusiast I enjoy creating content that educates, empowers and entertains my audience all while encouraging them to invest in the best version of themselves both personally and professionally. 


Lo que me da mucho orgullo es poder hacer todo eso en inglés y en español. El ser bilingüe me ha ayudado a difundir mi contenido y mensajes de empoderamiento a una audiencia más grande. Me encanta poder usar mi plataforma y habilidades para compartir productos y servicios de marcas que yo disfruto y adoro en persona y en el mundo digital.

Ilse Monette - Background
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There’s always that one person in your family or friend group that as a kid would put on performances to entertain the crowd, that kid was me. Since I was little I enjoyed the spotlight and was short of shy. As a toddler I participated in beauty pageants, dance performances and competitions. Those experiences laid the foundation for my professional acting and performing career which included TV, theater and dancing opportunities.

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While working in Telemundo I filled in various roles in the newsroom, marketing department, and covered historic events which I was recognized for with three Lone Star Emmy's - but, I also developed a passion for marketing and content creation.

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I saw an opportunity on the ever evolving platform of social media to grow an audience and following by creating a distinguished brand with carefully curated and high quality content. This is how my marketing business, Connect Media Firm, came to be.

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I have dedicated the past three years of my life helping businesses, brands, organizations, influencers and creators. Now it’s time for me to tap into my on-camera personality and media production roots to establish my own lifestyle brand, grow my audience, create intentional content and work with brands whose products, services and mission I not only enjoy but align with and of course share it with everyone who has joined my growing online following.

As I graduated high school I decided to shift my on camera abilities and talents to serve my community and pursued a career in journalism. In 2017 I earned a bachelor's degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Spanish from the University of Houston while simultaneously juggling a full time job at a local television news station, Telemundo Houston KTMD.

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During the four years in the TV industry I slowly witnessed how social media was shifting the way our audience was consuming content which meant there was a marketing evolution happening right before our eyes.

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That opportunity I saw back then turned into three years in business being the helping hand for local businesses as they make the jump into the digital world. Through our social media assistance, content creation and marketing education we have truly made an impact in how brands now market their products and services and foster a reputable image within their clients.

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